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Male Sex Dolls Are Becoming More And More Popular

In recent years, male dolls have become very popular among gays, lesbians and bisexuals. Today, although still female sex dolls dominate the market, male sex dolls are becoming more and more popular. While there are many ways to choose the ideal female sex doll online, there are few guides on how to buy male sex dolls. In this article, we will explain the basic points of buying male sex dolls, such as the difference between male and female dolls, how to buy them, easier poses, cleaning and storage.

The Difference Between Male And Female Dolls

First, let's look at the differences between the two types of dolls. The simple fact is that men have a penis and women have a vagina. However, there are other major and minor differences between male and female dolls. Lady love dolls are praised for their softness and suppleness on the skin, breasts and buttocks. And almost all male dolls are muscular. The skin of a man with muscles is very different from the soft skin of a woman. Male love dolls are stronger but also heavier than female dolls. Male dolls are also taller. Male dolls are more than 5.4 feet tall, and some can even reach 6 feet. Another big difference is the buttocks of male love dolls, which feel more voluptuous than female love dolls. Other aspects, such as the shape of the face, hand size and doll proportions also differ.

How To Choose a Male Doll

When choosing a male sex doll, keep the following points in mind:
First is the material. Sex dolls are made from a variety of materials, but the most important thing is reliability and safety. Therefore, it is recommended to buy anti-allergy, phthalate-free silicone dolls or TPE sex dolls. One of the important advantages of silicone sex dolls is the right to choose what you want and give up what you don't want. Choose the sex doll that suits your taste.

Next is elevation. Tall male dolls are attractive and height is usually an important consideration. In this case, a male love doll is obviously heavier than a female love doll because the taller it is, the taller the frame and the more material it requires. As mentioned above, male and female sized dolls vary in size. Unless you order a custom sex doll height, a full size sex doll will be over 5 feet tall. Most women prefer taller men. However, the taller a male love doll is, the more difficult it is to move, bend and clean due to its weight. Therefore, it is recommended that you choose a sex doll that is lightweight.

Finally the choice of shape and appearance of male sex dolls. Choose the perfect male sex doll according to your gender, expertise and taste. For example, if you are not familiar with small or life-size male love dolls, then you can choose a smaller model (still with a 9-inch penis) and can have basically the same experience, until you are familiar with the characteristics of male sex dolls before buying a life-size male sex doll.Storage of male sex dolls. Before purchasing a male sex doll, make sure you have storage space. Making sure you have a comfortable and dry space will determine whether you can have a pleasurable.

How To Have Sex With a Male Sex Doll

Unlike female love dolls, male sex dolls are generally heavier and can be placed lying down for male love dolls so that both men and women can have sex. In addition, male love dolls have removable dildos that you can purchase to increase or decrease in size depending on your preference. Anal and oral cavities for gay men are insertable, and curious women can also fit themselves with dildos and experience the pleasure of fucking someone else. Just because male sex dolls are stronger than female sex dolls, you can fuck his asshole and mouth to your heart's content.

Remember to use lube!
High quality lubricants used in conjunction with sex dolls can increase durability and reduce friction and stress. Lube makes the long-awaited sexual experience more comfortable, which further enhances your ambiguity. When using sex dolls, use a water-based lubricant. This water-based alternative will not compromise the quality of the sex doll product and is latex friendly like other lubricant styles.

How To Clean Male Sex Dolls

Please clean your male sex doll again after each use to ensure that any semen or lube left in the male sex doll is cleaned. Carefully remove the head of the male sex doll and clean it separately before cleaning the body of the sex doll. Wash the hair with a damp towel, comb, mild shampoo and conditioner. Be careful not to soak the sex doll, complete immersion in water will shorten the life of the doll. And the doll's hair may be damaged if the correct cleanser is not used.

Many people still believe that men who use sex toys are perverts. Women in particular have a disregard for men who use or own sex toys, but what still cannot be ignored is that there are many women in the world who masturbate using male toys, some of whom share them on adult websites. The fastest way to get rid of the idea that playing with sex toys is embarrassing is to keep an open mind, explore the reasons why people are so fascinated with sex dolls, and understand the positive aspects of love dolls.

Luck we live in a sex-positive world, and experts recommend that we be honest about our desires. Women can benefit greatly from this idea. Vibrators, fake penises, and other toys can greatly help women in their sexual liberation. Masturbation becomes interesting, and the more they know about their own desires, the more they accept sex aids.