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Five of the hottest sex dolls brand of 2022

As we enter the new year, the market for sex dolls continues to grow and evolve. With advancements in technology, the quality and variety of sex dolls have improved significantly. In this blog, we'll explore five of the hottest sex dolls of 2022.

WM Doll

WM Doll are known for their high-quality, realistic sex dolls. They offer a wide variety of dolls, including male and female options, as well as different body types and features. The dolls are made of medical-grade silicone and have realistic facial features and body proportions.

Tayu Doll

Tayu Doll is another high-end sex doll manufacturer that offers a variety of customizable options. Their dolls are made of platinum silicone and feature realistic skin textures and facial features. The company also offers customizations, such as pubic hair and freckles.

True Idols Doll

One of the most popular types of realistic sex dolls is the True Idols sex doll. These dolls are made to resemble famous adult film stars, with incredible attention to detail in their facial features, body shape, and even tattoos. They are made from high-quality silicone, which gives them a soft and supple feel, and they are designed to be as realistic as possible. The True Idols sex dolls are also fully customizable, with options to change their hair color, eye color, and even their breast size.

Real Doll

RealDoll is one of the most well-known and respected brands in the world of real dolls. They offer a range of customizable options for both male and female dolls, including lifelike skin, eyes, and hair. RealDoll also offers a variety of body types and sizes to choose from, making it easy to find the perfect companion.

SE Doll

SE Dolls is a real doll brand that offers a range of customization options for both male and female dolls. Their dolls come in a variety of body types and sizes, and they also offer different facial expressions and skin tones. They also offer advanced artificial intelligence options for those seeking a more interactive experience.

In conclusion, the world of real dolls continues to evolve and expand, with more options than ever before for those seeking a lifelike companion. Whether you are looking for a male or female doll, a specific body type or size, or advanced artificial intelligence options, there is a real doll brand out there that can meet your needs. The five brands highlighted in this article are just a few of the hottest real doll brands of 2022, and they are definitely worth considering if you are in the market for a lifelike companion.